I admit it. I'm a complete slacker once June hits. As you can probably tell by the lack of blogs recently. When you live in a state like Montana, where winter is so prevalent, you learn to take advantage of the good days when they come. I live for summers, for getting out and exploring this beautiful place, visiting Yellowstone, just sitting out and savoring the fresh air.

Until I have to write.

I work in a hotel, close enough to be on Yellowstone's doorstep. From the end of May on, we sell out EVERY NIGHT. It's busy, the guests can be demanding, and at the end of the day I don't exactly look forward to sitting down at a computer again. Too many distractions! Too many family BBQs and picnics. Too many nights of sitting in the path of the fan because once again the western United States is in the middle of a severe drought and heat wave.

Not that I haven't been productive. I have. In bits and pieces. Finished editing two books I've written with my fabulous writing partner, started a deep edit of a New Adult book I started on last November, and I'm still slowly putting the sequel for Happily Never After together. It just never feels like enough. Not compared to the epic writing marathons I do cuddled under a blanket once the colder weather hits. And I haven't even mentioned the other book in my head begging to be let out.

So in Summer, I generally feel extremely sluggish when it comes to writing and marketing and plugging my book. Am I alone here? I can't be the only one who wants to be outside all the time! It's a hard balance when you move into the days of deadlines and when the voices in your head want to be let out.

I have been doing some reading and I have to tell you about a book I read called Gameboard of the Gods, by Richelle Mead, one of my favorite authors. She's famous for her Vampire Academy books, which put Twilight to shame by the way. This is an adult book, though, a venture into dystopian and religion. Completely fell for the main character, Justin. I LOVE how Richelle Mead gives us these tortured, indulgent asses that we readers end up obsessing about. Anyone who has read VA or Bloodlines knows I'm talking about Adrian...sigh. Anyway, great book, different and unexpected despite some not so great reviews. Give it a try this summer while you're out at the lake or the beach or propped up in front of the A/C.

And I will get back on track soon, be more dedicated and get to writing. When I'm not writing...I miss it! Hope you all are having a great summer!

Once upon a time I thought that when I became a published author all I'd have to do is sit back and keep doing what I was supposed to be doing...creating new masterpieces and thinking life was amazing. Well, the reality is harder to accept. These days we authors are expected to be present, available, seen. Sounds awesome for an introvert like me! <---- Yeah, sarcasm. So after all the 'you really need to start a blog' conversations, I'm stepping out and hoping to entertain!

Being so new to the world of publishing and self promotion and blogging, I'll be sharing my adventures along the way and maybe we can all learn something.

I'm certainly not one of those overnight success stories. My book, Happily Never After, was shopped to literally every agent I could find who accpeted paranormal YA as well as a couple smaller publishers. Nada, nothing, except a pile of rejections. The very last person I had to try was a new publisher specializing in Young Adult novels, Fire and Ice. Not only did they love the book, they loved the story I wrote, not the story it'd be with a million and one changes. There are good things coming from us in the future, even the not-so-distant future. I've found a group of people I like, who support me and my so-called talent. What else could I ask for, really?

Sure, there were dreams of the big six publishers, of the day Penguin called and begged for the honor of putting my words in print, but in today's book universe it ain't gonna happen. My book is out there, more are coming, and if only a handful of people read them, fine! Of course each time I get in one of those five star reviews there is a part of me that doesn't trust it, doesn't believe it. I wonder how long it will take until I can?

Do I have a point? Good question. I think all I'm saying is if you're an author the key word to our craft is PERSEVERENCE. Don't quit after ten rejections, or fifty. The next letter you send out may just be the one, the new publisher willing to take a chance on you. You have to adjust your expectations, but the end result is the same...the stories you wrote, the ones that helped you through a hard time or transported you from a dull life, are out there giving the same experience to someone else.

And while I am starting out slow--book then reviews then blog--it's okay. I'll get there. I'll make a name one way or another, even if it is as 'that crappy blogger'. Next up, trying to find more ways to market Happily Never After. More blogs. More pictures of places I love, which tend to be mostly Montana. More books :)

Have patience with me as I get the hang of this blogging stuff. It hurts coming up with witty things to say! Just kidding. I'm looking forward to another adventure.